
Okay so it’s been a busy few weeks since I last posted. The Saints won the Superbowl, Alexander McQueen died and my best friend Charlotte, a naturally platinum blonde, became a brunette.

I however have been busy preparing for a Drama presentation on a movement called ‘Dada’. Now if you’re asking yourself ‘what is Dada?’ then I may have to shout back to you in a faux German accent…


And if you still feel that you want to learn what Dada was (yes the movement is over now) then Wikipedia is your friend.

Anywho, I’ve been incredibly busy with that and work for my Creative Writing classes; hence I’m apologising profusely for not blogging more often.

However I’m here now, and can tell you all about my re-birthday (day) out. I forced my housemates to wear fancy dress (Robin and a pirate), whilst I was dressed as a fairy. We headed off into town for a day of drinking and debauchery. Thinking back on how much alcohol I consumed that day makes my liver ache slightly…vodka shots for the win!

Also on a previous note, the cheesecake that I made was disgusting! Eck! *shudders* However the base was the perfect consistency…just need to work on making the filling a bit less…well, cheesy…
However I did make my awesome sausage casserole a few days later, which made my tongue forget the taste of sweetened cheese.

Since I’ve been so busy, and I don’t get much time to myself anymore, I’ve been struggling to settle down and destress; and hence my boyfriend bought me a Wii. *bounces* The perfect part is that it’s all mine…it doesn’t belong to any of the boys in my house.

So that’s pretty much a catch up of all of the things I’ve been up to since my last post. Lots of time has passed since then, so much so that my brain couldn’t even remember all the things that I’d done…so I had to resort to refreshing it with my Twitter feed…

The presentation is being performed tomorrow at 11am…then I may just end up dying from all the illnesses that I’ve been surrounded with in the past few weeks, but have been fighting off.

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